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Project Description

What Is Kybella?

If you have fat beneath your chin that you’ve always wanted to rid of, you are not alone. You may have opted out of eliminating this fat in the past because you were unwilling to go through invasive surgeries. However, the Kybella Treatment in Miami has provided a solution to this issue without the use of surgery. Kybella has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is an injection to reduce double chin fat, and in many cases alleviates the circumstance altogether. The treatment is for adults that have excessive fat beneath the chin, also referred to as submental fat.

Kybella Treatment in Miami – Our Center For Dermatology

As a doctor of osteopathy, Dr. Longwill is trained to consider complete physical and emotional condition before performing a treatment on any patient. She understands the importance of focusing on an entire individual, as opposed to just their skin, meaning she will pay diligent attention to your needs specifically before suggesting a Kybella treatment. This is important because it helps to avoid potential health risks that can arise from certain procedures.

Here at the Miami Center for Dermatology, your comfort and satisfaction are our main concern. For that reason, we offer Kybella injections. Call Today to schedule an appointment at (305) 279-7546 or Click Here to Contact Us Today!