Sclerotherapy Near Country Walk

Sclerotherapy Near Country Walk | Laser Vein Treatment

If you sometimes avoid showing your legs because you have spider veins those small clusters of red, blue or purple veins that appear on the thighs, calves and ankles you are not alone. It’s estimated that at least half of all women are bothered by this common cosmetic problem.

Spider Vein Treatment in MiamiIf you would like to eliminate your spider veins and improve your appearance, your plastic surgeon can help. Today there are very effective, safe and relatively painless methods available for eradicating spider veins.

In some women, spider veins become noticeable in their early 20’s. For others, the veins may not become obvious until they reach their 40’s. Men get spider veins, too. However, usually they are concealed by hair growth on the leg.



A number of factors may contribute to the development of spider veins in the legs, including:

  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy 
  • Hormonal shifts
  • Weight gain
  • Occupations or activities that require prolonged sitting or standing

Is it right for me?

Spider vein treatment is a highly individualized procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Spider vein treatment can be performed on people of any age.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

As a doctor of osteopathy, Dr. Longwill is trained to consider your complete physical and emotional condition before making a diagnosis. She understands the importance of focusing on the entire individual, not just the skin.

Dr. Longwill is board-certified in both cosmetic dermatology and general dermatology and treats patients of all ages. She is one of the few dermatologists in South Florida with special training on the dermatoscope, a device which provides enhanced visualization of pigmented lesions for early detection of skin cancer.

Dr. Longwill is one of the best dermatologist Country Walk has seen in ages. Using the latest technology and therapies, Dr. Longwill is able to provide the best possible medical treatment and care to you and your family.

Spider Vein Removal Miami | Best Sclerotherapy Treatment