Dermatology Medical Procedures

Medical Dermatology Procedures in Miami

Dermatologists serve as trained physicians in the medical, surgical, and cosmetic care of the skin. In order to become a dermatologist, a physician invests an additional year of internship in general medicine, and additionally another three years of specialized dermatology training. They undergo this training after completing medical school and it includes medical, surgical, as well as cosmetic dermatology.

A dermatologist can treat a patient during any phase of their life. This ranges from young toddler patients into adolescence and adulthood, all the way to the latter stages of life. However, some dermatologists do wield additional expertise in these specified areas.

A dermatologist may specialize in pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, in addition to cosmetic or laser dermatology. Generally, a dermatologist primarily treats either pediatric patients, or adult patients.

Most dermatologists also boast training to properly care for hair and nails as well. They additionally perform full-body mole examinations for patients of any age that request this.

Medical Dermatology Procedures in Miami for Adults

The conditions commonly associated with the adult age group concerning medical dermatology procedures in Miami include skin cancer, precancerous lesions, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, seborrheic keratosis, hair loss, shingles, allergic reactions, as well as hives and other rare skin disorders.

Due to the risk of developing skin cancer as we all age, the Miami Center for Dermatology recommends that a physician or dermatologist performs a regular skin examination. These individuals should wield training to recognize the subtle changes that can occur in benign or possible malignant skin conditions.

Pediatric Dermatology Procedures in Miami

The conditions that patients encounter during infancy into childhood include port wine staining, hemangiomas, pigmented birthmarks, eczema or dry skin, cradle cap, acne, allergic reactions, insect bites, fungal infections, warts, molluscum. In some rare cases, dermatologists also treat genetic disorders as well as congenital malformations.

Surgical Dermatology Procedures in Miami

Dermatologists equip themselves with extensive training in surgical techniques concentrated on the skin and mucous membranes. However, they perform a number of dermatological surgeries for purely cosmetic reasons.

For example, a cosmetic dermatologist could repair an earlobe after an ear piercing, or treat an acne problem on the face. Nevertheless, many medical dermatology procedures in Miami are for medical reasons. Medical reasons include removing skin cancers and moles, as well as repair damage to the skin from an accident or condition.

A surgical procedure of this nature is considered an excisional surgery. Additional types of surgical dermatology techniques include cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen. A dermatologist commonly uses this method to treat warts as well as precancerous lesions. Another technique is electrosurgery. This can remove benign and malignant skin lesions.

In some cases, a dermatologist will need to take a skin biopsy. What this means is diagnosing a small piece of the skin for diagnosis and analyzation.

Ultraviolet Light Therapies

Ultraviolet light therapy is extraordinarily useful to treat numerous skin conditions and disorders. Among these circumstances is psoriasis, in addition to eczema, and vitiligo. Certain acute or chronic rashes may also respond positively to light therapy.


Psoriasis encompasses a group of chronic skin disorders that lead to itching, burning, scaling, and crusting of the skin. Over seven million men and women in the United States possess some form of mild-to-severe psoriasis. The most commonly afflicted areas of the body include the scalp, elbows, knees, hands, feet, and genitals.

There is no cure for psoriasis. However, dermatologists can treat the condition extended periods of time, sometimes even on a permanent basis. Psoriasis treatment depends heavily on the type, severity, as well as location of the condition. A patient’s age, medical history, lifestyle choices, and mental health additionally factor in.

The most common treatments for psoriasis include topical medication, light therapy, and oral or injectable medications in severe cases.

Medical Dermatology Procedure from the Miami Center for Dermatology

At the Miami Center for Dermatology, our team specialized in providing comprehensive skin care. We make it our mission to help patients throughout the South Florida area and take this commitment very seriously.

Our community recognizes Dr. Longwill and the Miami Center for Dermatology Team as a cutting-edge resource for the latest dermatological procedures. These treatments utilize the latest, state-of-the-art technology and specialized techniques.

It is extremely important to care for your skin. After all, it is the largest organ in the body. Everyone experiences skin problems at some point in their life. Some of these conditions could be a sign of something more serious. Others although not serious, still remain bothersome and can cause discomfort.

Visiting the Miami Center for Dermatology can provide you with a resolution to your skin conditions regardless of their degree of seriousness. Our goal is to help you feel optimally comfortable in your skin through appropriate and effective treatment.

The first step is to contact Dr. Longwill and the Miami Center for Dermatology for an initial consultation. During this meeting, we can discuss the potential medical dermatology procedures that properly address your needs.

We treat several medical dermatology issues in the South Florida area. Costs depend on the treatment that we perform. Our professionals can additionally assist you in determining if your health insurance covers all or a portion of the costs.

Dr. Longwill worked hard to cultivate her loyal patient following in the community. This involved investing a plethora of time to learn about all of her patients’ lifestyle habits, as well as family and medical histories. She uses this information to provide optimal advice in treatment, in addition to extending to product selection.