Fraxel Dual – Skin Resurfacing Treatment

fraxel dual before with logo Fraxel dual after


Skin Resurfacing Treatment in Miami Center for Dermatology

As time goes on, life alters the surface of our skin. Fraxel laser treatments repair and rejuvenate it without invasive surgeries or the associated downtime for healing. As we age, our skin can become damaged by ineluctable exposure to harmful sun rays, pollutants in our air, general stress and fatigue, smoking, and other derivatives of simply living life. These stressors cause damage to the skin and prevent looking as good on the surface as we feel inside. Dr. Longwill and the team from the Miami Center for Dermatology commit to providing you with the safest, most technologically and medically advanced alternatives to traditional plastic surgeries.

What is Fraxel Dual?

For fresh and bright skin, the Fraxel Dual is the perfect resurfacing laser for you! The Fraxel Dual is two lasers in one: a 1927nm wavelength, which allows us to treat the skin superficially, and the 1550nm wavelength intended for skin texture targeting. The components are used simultaneously or separately and depend on your specific skin care needs.

The Fraxel laser is a precise method of repairing the skin, penetrating deep into the tissue without affecting undesired areas. As the handheld instrument passes over the targeted areas of the dermis, you will experience a slight, but not overbearing tingling sensation. Individual sessions last 15 minutes or longer, depending on the size of the desired treatment area. Every treatment will target a predetermined percentage of the skin, so a series of treatments is often necessary to achieve the ultimate results.

Fraxel Dual is effective on:


What is the Difference between the Fraxel and Fraxel Dual?

To put it simply, the Fraxel Dual skin resurfacing treatment is more effective in its utilization for brown spots and excess pigmentation than the Fraxel. Additionally, the improvements made with the advancements in technology to the tip of the laser, the Fraxel Dual is a better skin resurfacing treatment for large areas of skin like the back, chest, arms, and legs.

The standard Fraxel laser treatment utilizes a CO2 laser, where the Fraxel dual employs an Erbium Laser. The Fraxel Repair skin resurfacing treatment is a more aggressive approach for tightening and resurfacing the skin, providing better results when treating deeper lines and wrinkles. The Fraxel Repair treatment vaporizes tissue, removing old and damaged skin while stimulating new collagen and elastin production. The downtime or Fraxel repair treatment is far greater than that of Fraxel Dual. Both Fraxel skin repair treatments use advanced technology with their own limitations and advantages.

Feature Procedure with Machine: Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Skin Resurfacing Treatments in Miami , skin resurfacing treatment

Skin Resurfacing Treatments in Miami

Fraxel Dual laser treatment is designed to target aging and damaged skin well beneath the outermost surface layer of the skin. In this way, Fraxel Dual triggers the body’s natural system of repair by propagating new collagen and elastin production. The procedure stimulates these reactions while allowing healing to occur, and providing very little downtime for patients. Fraxel Dual is an excellent choice as a skin resurfacing treatment, photo-aging, melisma, and many other skin pigmentation problems, including fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores.

Fraxel Dual produces thousands of small, but deep columns of treatment in your skin called microthermal treatment zones. This treatment eliminates old epidermal pigmented cells while penetrating deep into the dermis. The areas that the Fraxel Dual laser leaves untouched is just as important, however. For each microthermal zone that the laser targets and intensively treats, it leaves these surrounding tissues intact. This “fractional” treatment promotes healing of the skin much faster than if the entire area were to be treated all at once, using the body’s natural healing processes to create new, and healthy tissue.

Dr. Longwill is board-certified in both cosmetic dermatology and general dermatology and treats patients of all ages. Using the latest technology and therapies, Dr. Longwill is able to provide the best possible medical treatment and care for you and your family.

skin resurfacing treatment

Here at the Miami Center for Dermatology, your comfort and satisfaction is our main concern. For that reason, we offer the Fraxel Dual treatment. Call Today to schedule an appointment at (305) 279-7546 or Click Here to Contact Us Today!