
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
patient getting a laser facial treatment

The Most Popular Laser Facials of 2018 So Far!

Facial Laser Treatment

Scars, wrinkles, blemishes and other imperfections on your face can be embarrassing and make you not want to go outside. If you have been trying different diets or creams to make your skin smooth again without results, it is time to try something new. At the Miami Center for Dermatology, our Facial Laser Treatment options are just what you need!

There are many different treatments which claim to smooth your skin and remove signs of imperfections, but they either require invasive techniques or simply do nothing. Our Facial Laser Treatment options use revolutionary technology to provide real results and make you look better than ever.

Dr. Deborah Longwill has over 20 years of cosmetic and medical dermatology experience, so she is the most qualified skin doctor in all of South Florida. She and her team are always making sure they are up to date on the newest medical developments, so our patients will always receive the latest and most effective treatments available.

Knowing and choosing which Facial Laser Treatment is best for you can get pretty overwhelming, especially if you are not sure about what specific needs your skin has. If you are unfamiliar with laser treatments, our team will be happy to consult with you to choose which one will be most effective for you. We want to make you feel comfortable and cared for during your appointments, so do not hesitate to ask any questions!

Laser Resurfacing Treatment Miami

Here is an overview of the different Facial Laser Treatment options we offer.

Thermage: In a single treatment, your skin can be tightened and contoured! If you have noticed your skin is losing its firm and youthful appearance, then this is just for you. Thermage uses radio frequencies to treat deep tissue and cooling effects to protect the surface of your skin. With this treatment, you will see tighter skin, more definition in your lips, a more defined jawline, and more.

Ultherapy: If the skin on and around your neck is sagging, it can make you look much older than you actually are. Rather than have an expensive surgery and spend the next several days recovering, our Facial Laser Treatment is the better option. This treatment uses ultrasound technology to target the deeper layers of skin with energy to lift sagging skin. Over the course of a few months, you will see natural results and look better than ever.

Fraxel: If you are not happy with how the skin on your face looks, Fraxel laser therapy will give you a more youthful look by using your body’s natural healing ability. The lasers will create tiny microthermal zones within the skin. This damage will cause the body to respond, creating new and smooth skin in the zones and dispose of the damaged skin. If you have been wanting a fresh look, ask our team about the benefits of the Fraxel laser!

Laser Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation

At Miami Center for Dermatology, our Facial Laser Treatment options are what you need for the youthful, healthy look you have been wanting. If you are unhappy with the condition of your skin, but do not want to undergo surgery or synthetic injections, our lasers are the perfect alternative. By penetrating the layers of your skin with heat and energy, your body will naturally respond by producing new and healthy skin cells.

Find out more about our different laser treatments by calling us today at 305-279-7546 or click here to schedule an appointment online!