
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
Model getting NovaThread in Pinecrest

What is Nova Thread? Who is a candidate? Now available at Miami Center for Dermatology!

NovaThread in Pinecrest

Sagging and wrinkled skin in either males or females can lower your confidence, happiness, and self-esteem. Everyone wants younger, healthier looking skin when they get older, so they turn to dangerous surgeries or procedures from inexperienced doctors that do more harm than good. Miami Center Center for Dermatology is the only place that offers NovaThread in Pinecrest. A safe procedure that leaves your skin looking naturally younger and healthier, it consists of placing needles in your skin and letting your body do the rest naturally. Don’t go through a potentially dangerous procedure to have younger looking skin when NovaThreads is proven to work.

NovaThreads works by inserting needles full of polydioxanone (PDO) into your skin and letting it be absorbed by your body. When your skin absorbs the PDO, it starts to create collagen, repairing your skin naturally. In 4-6 months your skin will look younger and healthier without any scars or signs of a procedure. The needle contains a thread of PDO that is inserted subdermally into your skin and is left there to be absorbed naturally, so soon there will not be a trace of anything, making NovaThread in Pinecrest the best cosmetic procedure for younger skin.

Non Surgical Face Lift

Rather than have Botox or an injection, NovaThread in Pinecrest is the most effective and safe way for a naturally-looking younger face. PDO is one of the safest materials that can enter your body and is commonly used for other procedures like open-heart surgery. There are two different forms of NovaThread: NovaMesh and NovaLyft depending on what will work best for you. Dr. Deborah Longwill will sit down with you to listen to your questions and concerns before choosing the best option for you. If you want an effective, noninvasive facelift, NovaLyft is the right choice for you.

At Miami Center for Dermatology, Dr. Longwill works to bring the best and newest procedures to her patients. With over 20 years of experience serving South Florida, she is the premier dermatologist to visit if you want NovaThread in Pinecrest. Don’t risk having a Botox or injectable filler.

NovaThread Procedure

If you’re interested in NovaThread, call us today at 305-279-7546 or click here for more information!