
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
patient getting laser stretch mark removal treatment

Put Down the Coco Butter and Find Out Which of Our Products Gives the Best Results for Removing Stretch Marks!

Best Laser Stretch Mark Removal

If you have recently given birth and are in the process of shedding your baby weight or just lost a significantly substantial amount of weight, you may have noticed discolored lines on your skin. Visible stretch marks can lower your self-esteem and confidence, which is why Miami Center for Dermatology offers the Best Laser Stretch Mark Removal that will make your skin look better than ever.

Stretch marks can appear anywhere on your body but are most commonly found on the stomach, thighs, breasts, and upper arms. With the warmer seasons quickly approaching, there is no better time to start working on your beach body than right now!

One of the causes of stretch marks is an increase of cortisone production in your body. Cortisone is produced by your adrenal glands and is helpful in the digestive process and other bodily functions, but an excess of this hormone can cause your skin to lose its elasticity. Combined with the stretching of your skin, it can leave behind unsightly stretch marks.

At Miami Center for Dermatology, our Accent treatment is the Best Laser Stretch Mark Removal. It offers tighter and smoother skin so you can look younger than you have in years. It utilizes radio frequencies to heat an area of the skin and stimulate collagen production.

Stretch Marks Removal

Collagen is an essential protein in the body that acts similar to glue. It holds tissue together in the body; as you age, your body naturally starts producing less collagen. By heating an area of the skin with radio frequency, a reaction occurs where collagen is created and new, elastic skin is formed in that area.

This radio frequency treatment provides natural results without the need for invasive surgeries, making it the Best Laser Stretch Mark Removal. If you have been relying on creams and supplements to try and remove stretch marks but have not seen any results, it is time for something new!

Dr. Deborah Longwill has been serving South Florida with the best cosmetic and medical dermatology for over 25 years. She is regularly keeping up with the newest technologies and techniques, so her patients are always receiving the highest care possible.

If you ever have any questions about our treatments or services, one of our staff will be more than happy to sit down and consult with you! We are committed to making sure that all of our patients feel cared for and comfortable during their appointments.

Best Treatment for Stretch Marks

At Miami Center for Dermatology, we have the Best Laser Stretch Mark Removal available. With no need for dangerous chemicals or invasive surgeries, you can eliminate your stretch marks naturally and effectively. If you have been trying other treatments without success, we would love to show you how our Accent therapy can benefit you.

Any treatment at the doctor’s office can seem scary at first but our team will walk you through the entire procedure so you can know just what to expect. If you have any questions, Dr. Longwill is more than happy to answer them for you.

Find out more about our Best Laser Stretch Mark Removal and how it can make your skin look the best it has in years. Call us today at 305-279-546 or click here to schedule an appointment online!