
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
Causes Eczema

What Causes Eczema?

Eczema Causes

Skin Doctor in Miami

What Causes Eczema?

Nowadays, many people are suffering from skin problems. Skin issues are one of the health problems that need instant medication. If you will compare the health issues in the early and present years, you will recognize that illnesses in the early years are mild compared today. It is a fact that most health issues today are risky; that’s why it really needs safe and efficient treatment. One of the skin issues that can be experienced by both men and women is eczema. It is difficult to suffer from this skin issue because the patient’s skin is irritated or inflamed.

Treat Eczema: Definition Of Eczema

Eczema is the word used in describing the medical conditions which can cause skin irritation or inflammation. The most popular category of this skin issue is atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. This is a disease that usually has an inherited inclination in generating some allergic conditions like high fever and asthma. It is a true that about 10 percent to 20 percent of infants and 3 percent of both children and adults in United Sate are suffering from it this time. This type of skin condition usually exists to infants few days after their birth. However, some individuals are experiencing the signs and symptoms of it throughout their lives.

Treat Eczema: Signs And Symptoms

When a certain person is suffering from eczema, he or she has an itchy skin. There are times that the skin of a person who has eczema is having rashes which usually appear in his or her hands, knees, face, feet, and wrists. Aside from rashes and itchiness, their skin also looks so dry, scaly, and thickened. For those people who have dark skin, eczema might affect the pigmentation of their skin which makes it lighter. When it comes to infants, the rashes in their skin can generate crusting and oozing condition which usually happens in the scalp and face.

Treat Eczema: Causes

The causes of this chronic skin condition are:

  • Allergens
  • Foods
  • Chemicals and environment
  • Bodily irritants
  • Temperature

Treat Eczema

To avoid the signs and symptoms of eczema, patients should go first to a professional dermatologist. They are the only ones who can really give a safe and efficient treatment for eczema. This way, patients can easily know the possible treatment that they will have but, it will still depend on their skin condition. The most popular treatments that are usually used to treat eczema are ointments and creams. These products should contain a high level oil content and low water content.

The most recommended cream that should be used by individuals who have eczema is a corticosteroid cream. It is the best choice for them because it lessens the inflammatory reaction in the skin. It may be medium, high, or mild depending on the condition of your skin. But, still it is better for to consult a dermatologist first so that they will have the assurance that the creams or ointments they use will help them in treating this chronic skin condition.

Here at the Miami Center for Dermatology, your comfort and satisfaction is our main concern. For that reason, we offer Eczema Treatment. Call Today to schedule an appointment at (305) 279-7546 or Click Here to Contact Us Today!