
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology

Everything You Need to Know About BroadBand Light Therapy

BroadBand Light (BBL) skin treatments are gaining popularity in the Miami area right now, and for a good reason: they erase reds and browns in your skin and leave you with a more luminous complexion.

We have seen incredible patient results here at Miami Center for Dermatology, but you should know that BBL isn’t a one-time treatment. In fact, it’s best to think of BBL as a series of treatments that work together to give you the best results possible.

BBL is not just a simple treatment; there are some other things you should know about BBL skin treatments before jumping in on the latest skin craze.

What Is BBL?

Broadband Light Therapy, or BBL, is a noninvasive procedure that uses light energy to reverse visible signs of aging. This advanced technology delivers light energy into the skin’s deeper layers, stimulating cell regeneration.

Broadband Light therapy has been shown to improve acne, erase pigmentation, ease redness, and smooth skin. The heat used in BBL kills acne-causing bacteria. This can reduce future acne breakouts from forming. 

BBL destroys melanin cells, which leads to brown spots and hyperpigmentation. BBL diffuses redness through the advanced heating process. Due to new collagen production, people with fine lines, acne scars, and sun-damaged skin can attain smoother skin.

How Does it Work?

BroadBand Light treatments use light to treat skin conditions like dark spots and redness. The light gets absorbed by the melanin in your skin, causing dark spots, and by the hemoglobin in your blood vessels, causing redness. 

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. You can find it in your skin, bones, muscles, and tendons. As you get older, your body produces less collagen, and you begin to see the structural integrity of your skin decline. 

Elastin is an extracellular matrix protein that also plays a significant role in your body, but when it comes to your skin, it helps keep it elastic so that when damage or disease occurs, it won’t cause your skin to break down or cause skin disease.

Broadband Light therapy helps to stimulate that collagen and elastin to give you younger-looking skin!

Main Conditions Broadband Light Therapy Helps

BBL is an effective treatment for many skin conditions, including rosacea, vascular lesions, and acne. It can also help with the appearance of aging and sun damage. In addition, the treatment uses intense pulsed light energy to stimulate collagen production in the dermis layer of your skin. 

This stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, which leads to more youthful-looking skin.

A quality BBL Treatment at Miami Center for Dermatology has been proven to help patients with skin conditions such as:


Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples and blackheads. In addition to causing discomfort, acne can leave scars on your skin. Broadband light therapy can help with these issues by reducing inflammation and killing and preventing scarring and acne-causing bacteria.

Rosacea & Redness

Redness or Rosacea is a skin condition that causes the face to become red and irritated and can also cause broken capillaries and pimples on the skin.

Broadband light therapy works by helping to reduce inflammation of the blood vessels, which can help reduce redness in the skin. By using broadband light therapy with a device like the [company name] product, you can help reduce rosacea symptoms by targeting the specific wavelengths most effective for treating your particular case of this condition.

Aging or Sun Damage

Aging and sun damage can cause wrinkles, age spots, and other unsightly issues that affect people’s appearance.

Aging is caused by the natural process of cells dying in your body. This happens to everyone as they age, but environmental factors like UV rays can accelerate it.

Broadband light therapy helps reverse both processes by stimulating collagen production within the skin layers, so they look fresh again–like when you were younger.

Choose Miami Center for Dermatology for your BBL Treatment

Miami Center for Dermatology is an experienced provider ready to help you meet your goals for your skin. BroadBand Light treatment can improve your appearance and leave you feeling confident. Are you ready to find out more? 

Schedule a consultation today to start creating a treatment plan.