
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
Woman in spa salon

Our Citrus Brighten & Tighten Facial is Perfect For Spring

Spring has sprung, meaning your favorite citrus fruits are finally blooming! While we all know the beneficial properties of consuming fruits chock-full of vitamin C, like oranges and lemons, have you ever thought of how good this “immune system booster” is for your skin? This age-old remedy for the common cold could very well be your skin’s new best friend and tops our list of Facials For Sensitive Skin.

Revitalizing Vitamins

If you think getting all your vitamins only involve your diet, think again. The fantastic part about vitamins is that they’re multipurpose and wildly effective. Dermatologists know and love ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin F, and especially vitamin C for their rejuvenating and restoring properties, perfect for your skin. If you have acne, you might be prescribed topical medications with vitamin A to make your skin smooth and blemish-free.

Vitamin E oil is frequently recommended to provide moisture to the skin, making it dewy and hydrated. Vitamin F promotes skin regeneration, giving you strong and healthy skin. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful of them all, and it’s many advantages include protection from sun damage, lightening dark circles around the eyes, brightening dull skin and worn out, promoting collagen production, and many more. Vitamin C is practically our favorite around here at the Miami Center for Dermatology, and although potent, vitamin C is gentle enough to work wonders in facials for sensitive skin.

Picture of a person receiving facial exfoliation

Fantastic Facials

Speaking of facials, why are they so important? A facial is essentially a beautifying treatment meant to improve your skin’s health, look, and feel. With dozens of incredible benefits, facials not only help your skin look better after just one treatment, but they also improve your skin’s overall texture and appearance if you receive them regularly. Proper maintenance of your skin doesn’t just include your daily routine—it’s also necessary to add a deep skin cleaning to your regimen.

Many trained physicians in dermatology suggest getting a facial about once a month, as facials usually involve heavy penetration into the skin through exfoliation and extraction. Therefore, having facials too often, or getting facials that are not suitable for your skin type, could damage your skin in the long run. With all of that being said, professional facials are a highly recommended step in skincare, as they help with detoxifying your skin, improving blood circulation, unclogging your pores, and even reducing acne.

The Perfect Pair

While we provide many facials for sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin, and any skin you can think of, our Citrus Brighten and Tighten Facial is one of our favorites. By combining an incredible skincare service with a vitamin that packs a punch, your skin will feel rejuvenated, firm, and it’ll give you a magical glow. Now that spring is here (and summer is right around the corner), the sun is shining, and the birds are singing. However, you want to make sure to keep your skin protected from the Sun’s damaging UV rays, and from harmful free radicals.

Vitamin C does both of these critical steps, as it has anti-aging properties to protect from future damage and smooth out the sun damage you probably already have, and it is an antioxidant that will fight against free radicals. The Citrus Brighten and Tighten Facial will first begin with a skin cleanse, followed by a facial massage to stimulate the skin and improve circulation. After this, we’ll apply a Lemon Zest Enzyme to the skin as well as steam to make the blemish extraction process as smooth as possible. Finally, we’ll top your skin off with a vitamin C solution, eye cream, and sunscreen.

Facials For Sensitive Skin

We have a multitude of other facials and services to choose from, as well as skin care products from the most trusted brands. Facials For Sensitive Skin are our most popular and can help combat many of the issues that arise when using products with unknown ingredients. We would love to help you start your journey to beautiful, healthy skin, so don’t hesitate to book an appointment on our website!