
Miami Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
How to Remove a Mole

How to Remove a Mole

Mole Treatment in Miami

How to Remove a Mole

Mole Removal Treatment

Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Moles typically appear in early childhood and/or during the first 30 years of a person’s life. As times passes, moles can slowly change in color or size or even slowly disappear, sun exposure and pregnancy tend to darken molds.  Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. Congenital nevi are moles that appear at birth.  Congenital nevi occur in about 1 in 100 people. These moles may be more prone to develop into melanoma (cancer) than moles that appear after birth. The majority of moles don’t present any form of health concerns. Moles that look different than other existing moles or appear after the age of 30, should be examined by a dermatologist. A change in mole color, height, shape or size should also be evaluated by a dermatologist. Areas one should pay more attention to are those in which the skin is exposed to the sun, such as arms, hands, face, chest, and ears.

Moles that are larger than average (larger than a pencil eraser) and irregular in shape are called Dysplastic Nevi. These moles tend to have an uneven color with dark brown centers and lighter, uneven edges. Individuals with dysplastic nevi may have more than 100 moles and have a greater chance of developing malignant melanoma (a serious form of skin cancer). Malignant Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and the leading cause of death in this category of diseases. Melanomas often resemble moles and some develop from moles. Its cause is mainly from intense or occasional UV exposure that can frequently lead to sunburn, especially to those who are genetically predisposed to this disease. Early detection can prevent this cancer from advancing to other parts of the body, and is almost always curable. For this reason, it is imperative to visit a board certified dermatologist like Dr. Longwill of Miami Center for Dermatology, at least once a year.  She carefully does a full body check-up to rule out any possible danger.

Once a mole is identified as not malignant, removing them is an often desirable course of action. Though over the counter products and home remedies area available to remove moles, the safest and most effective way is surgery. Surgery involves either excision with cauterization or excision with stitches. Excision with cauterization is where the mole is shaved off at the level of the rest of your skin and the doctor cauterizes the skin afterward. Excision with stitches involves cutting the mole completely off from under and around the skin. Stitches are then used to close up the wound.

Home treatments to remove a mole may result in permanent skin damage, scarring, and possible infection. It is important to understand the risks associated with removing moles without the help of a doctor. Dr. Longwill expertise and experience in removing moles will help keep you safe while minimizing scarring and serious side effects.

Here at the Miami Center for Dermatology, your comfort and satisfaction is our main concern. For that reason, we offer Early Detection of Moles. Call Today to schedule an appointment at (305) 279-7546 or Click Here to Contact Us Today!